Sunday, March 29, 2009

A River Runs Through It - Reflection

1) The last sentence of the novel, the author says “ I am haunted by waters.”
What do you think he means by this quote?

I think this quote means that the main character has already merged with the water because he had been fishing since he was a little boy, so water is something that has been in his life since he can remember. He used to fish with his younger brother, but he died. The author must be very sad because whenever he went fishing, it will remind him of his little brother. They both like fishing very much, and they have a very close relationship. Since they grew up in Montana, fishing is also an important leisure activity for them, so their relationship with the river; Montana; and the nature is something that will be with them for the rest of their life.

2) Of the characters found in the book, which character do you like the most? Why? Which characters do you like the least? Why?

The character that I found in the book that I like the most is Paul; he is a very special person. In my opinion, I think that he was a bit moody and always do things out of impulse, but deep down, he is actually a very smart boy. Even though his family was very concerned about him, but he can always managed to make things right and let his family members be proud of him. He always made his own decision, and very determined; that’s way I like him the most because he will do whatever it takes to reach his goal and get things done.

3) What do you think is the major lesson we can take from this novel/movie?

In the novel and the movie, the major lesson that I think we can all learn about is the nature rules and the relationship between the father and the sons. The father taught them many things through the time they were spending doing their fishing trips. The nature got it’s own rhythm and rules, and they are there and sure not be broken. The boys also matured through the years, and learned the facts of life through fly fishing.

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